SpaceBase Podcast
SpaceBase Podcast
Systems Engineering to Space Mission Operations: An Interview with Chris Jackson
An interview with Chris Jackson, Head of Space Operations and Ground Segment at the Te Pūnaha Ātea - Auckland Space Institute based in the University of Auckland. He is overseeing the design and set up of the Institute’s Mission Operation Centre and Ground Station. He is also developing the operations support and building the capability of the centre to support large scale satellites and developing the business for national and international missions like MethaneSAT.
Chris has a long and illustrious career working for Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) in the UK as Chief Engineer and Architect to many satellite projects including the Galileo and EutelSat missions. Prior to that he had also worked for Airways New Zealand for almost a decade.
In this interview, we learn about how his focus on systems engineering has open up doors for managing numerous missions as cheif operations engineer in multiple organizations in NZ and abroad.
Aerospace Programs in New Zealand
Master of Aerospace Engineering, University of Auckland
Space Science, Victory University Wellington
Aerospace Engineering, Univeristy of Canterbury
Space Mission Analysis and Design, Wiley Larson and James Wertz
Hosted by: Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Co-Founder and CEO, SpaceBase
Music: reCreation by airtone (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons (3.0)
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