SpaceBase Podcast
SpaceBase Podcast
Special Episode: Establishing a Global Space Enablers Network
This is a special episode on the Global Space Enablers Network and the start of an alternating theme to feature space enablers globally working to catalyze, develop, and grow their own space sector and industry in different parts of the world. The aim is to share lessons learned, best practices, and resource opportunities specially for nascent and emerging regions and countries.
In this episode co-founders of SpaceBase Limited discuss the motivations, goals, and activities this newly formed alliance of ecosystem builders around the world.
Joining the host is SpaceBase co-founder Eric Dahlstrom. Eric has worked in both public and private space industry in the US and abroad for four decades. A physicist, astronomer, and aerospace engineer by training, he has contributed to the design and re-design of the International Space Station as a NASA contractor. He has also mentored and worked on space startup companies that are building launchers, to landers and rovers on the Moon. Eric is an ISU Faculty who has taught in at least11 countries around the world, often as Chair of the ISU Space Studies Program’s Space Sciences Department. He also often chairs as Team Project Chair.
Global Space Enablers Network - alliance to support space ecosystem builders globally.
The paper on Establishing a Global Space Enablers Network was published at the IAC Conference along with the GSEN Poster which was presented in the Internactive Poster session.
To contribute to the global Knowledge Base supporting space enablers, take the GSEN Survey.
Next Events:
GSEN Net Connect#1, 18 November 2024, Noon, CEST (12 midnight, 19 Nov, NZT) Meet fellow space enablers from across the globe. Learn and create opportunities to collaborate. Register today.
Next GSEN physical event will take place at the Singapore Space and Technology Limited Global Space Technology Convention and Exhibition
Hosted by: Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Co-Founder and CEO, SpaceBase
Music: reCreation by airtone (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons (3.0)
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